There is an old adage that says, "good things come to those who wait." I'd make a slight modification; Good things come to those who wait ACTIVELY. Waiting on God is not an excuse to be lazy in our pursuit of God. If our pursuit of God is contingent upon receiving what we want from Him, then we don't love God. We love our desires more than we love God. If that is how our relationship with God is, then seasons of waiting will quickly turn into seasons of whining. The bedrock of love is trust, and you can trust this - that because God loves you, He will make you wait. In seasons of waiting, there is a lot that God wants you to run towards.
If you want to see crops grow, you don't throw a seed on the soil and just hope it grows, getting angry when nothing happens. But that is often how we wait. You have to till the field, dig up the earth, plant the seed in enough depth, water it, tend to it, and protect it. God will bring the crop, but we have to do the work. The lesson of waiting and having to trust with whole-hearted dependence on God will bring you further than reaping a quick and easy harvest.
Patience and waiting are not the same thing. Waiting is the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens. Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Waiting is the delay, patience is the tolerance of the delay. Patience is the peace of knowing that God has it and is working in you so that He can work through you. Be patient in waiting.
Your wait may not be about God keeping something from you, but working within you. Wait well. If you wait now, you won't regret later. Wait for God's best and you won't have to settle for anything less. His plans supersede our own. These seasons of waiting are the training grounds of becoming. The only thing more difficult than waiting on God is wishing that you had. The best is yet to come.